Garden update

OK my birthday is over. The fall can officially start now. I love this next time of year, but I will miss my garden as it starts to get cooler. There are still lots of things I want to do with the warm weather, such as cut the moonflowers back. They’ve taken over the whole fence. In the evening though, there are 10 or more huge white blooms along the fence, and people will stop to look at them or smell them. So I don’t complain too much about their growth except when they try to choke my lavender.

I would like to harvest the hot peppers soon. They have started to grow more now that I’ve transplanted them to larger areas. One has turned red. I also have green beans. Their living space was not ideal. I had multiple plants in a couple big pots. Next year, I would like to plant them directly into the ground to allow them to expand a little. I still haven’t planted carrots. I need to do that before September, which means I need to buy potting soil.

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